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Tuesday, February 11, 2014

5 Foods To Avoid Sleeping Beauty!

5 Foods To Avoid Sleeping Beauty! 5 Foods To Avoid Sleeping Beauty! -, Sleep is one thing that should not be missed by humans, because sleep is the best place to restore the rest of our body. Not only that, adequate sleep is also very important for our mental and physical health. Lack of sleep or insomnia often referred to obviously have a frightening specter for any active woman. To avoid this, you are obliged to avoid some foods below as in reports by
1. Ice CreamThis food is shed fat. Sugar in ice cream will provide a lot of energy for your body so you will awake longer, than that of sugar is stored and converted into fat deposits in the body. Research has also shown that the consumption of foods containing high sugar would trigger a nightmare.
2. Chocolate (Dark Chocolate)Chocolate is delicious, but it contains a lot of caffeine will disturb your sleep. Brown also has a stimulant theobromine which will make a pounding heart that can lead to insomnia.
3. PastaThis food is the most practical and quickly served, but not a good choice for you eat before bed. Pasta contains a lot of carbohydrates and and can cause weight gain you want to avoid. You should also know that pasta also has a high glycemic index, which can make you experience insomnia.
4. PizzaBefore going to bed, your stomach just as your body needs to rest and pizza is definitely not a good option because it is too heavy. Furthermore tomato sauce on pizza also has a high acid levels are not good for the stomach before bedtime.
5. CeleryActually quite surprising because celery including the types of vegetables. However, you need to know that celery is a natural diuretic that will make you often wake up in the middle of the night and had to go to the bathroom.
Those are some foods that you should avoid so you can sleep better at night. Hopefully useful information yes!

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