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Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Tips to Maintain Body Health

Tips to Maintain Body HealthMany men are not aware that daily activities are done can be harmful to sperm, which could potentially lead to infertility or sterility. Here's how menjagasperma to stay healthy and agile.
Sperm health assessed on sperm count, motility (movement), morphology (shape and structure of the sperm) and volume (volumetotal ejaculation).
A healthy man will produce 70-150 jutasperma per day. This sperm present in the semen of which the average volumeair normal semen produced at ejaculation is 2-5 ml (half to eat 1sendok UK size).
"Your lifestyle is key. Jikalingkungan your work is very hot or if you are exposed to toxins, such as disebuah chemical plant, can cause a decrease in sperm count, "kataDr Hrishikesh Pai, gynecologist and infertility specialist from Lilavati Hospital, as reported by Indiatimes.
Activities such as steam baths, saunas and spent more than 30 minutes in a water bath temperature of 40 degrees celsius ataulebih, also can reduce the amount or impair sperm quality.
"Riding a bike for too long will menaikkansuhu scrotum and affect sperm production. Untukistirahat stopping it frequently while cycling, so the scrotum several degrees lower than body temperature, the better. Replace tight clothes with boxer shorts, although tidakseksi but boxer offer more air to flow into the scrotum. Also, janganmenggunakan laptop on your lap, "explains sexpert, Dr. Mahinder Watsa.
To stay safe, the best adalahmelakukan semen analysis test in the laboratory, so that changes can be made hiduptertentu force to improve the health of your sperm from time to time.
How to become a sperm to stay healthy?
Zinc (zinc) contained in bananas, oysters and almonds, is an invaluable tool dapatmeningkatkan the synthesis of testosterone and sperm count, motility and volume.
Nutritionists say kadartinggi foods with vitamin A (carrots, milk, cheese, eggs), vitamin C (oranges, strawberries, broccoli) and vitamin E (peanuts, spinach, almonds, hazelnuts) alsocan optimize sperm health.
Selenium is found in many makananseperti garlic and lycopene in foods such as tomatoes and watermelon, can help prevent oxidative damage to sperm. -Tips To Always Maintain Healthy Sperm

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