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Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Body mark Less Carbohydrates

Body mark Less Carbohydrates
Many people believe carbohydrates are one of the root cause of excess weight. Therefore, many people who go on a diet of carbohydrates, even avoid it altogether to lose weight. In fact, the body still needs the intake of carbohydrates as an energy booster. Here are five signs your body lacks carbohydrates.


1. Breath odor
Low-carbohydrate diets goal is to burn fat into energy, although most experts agree that the diet of this diet does not cause weight loss Abdan long term. When the body burn fat, the body do with a process called ketosis, which releases chemicals called ketones. Unfortunately, these ketones have a bad odor and often out through the breath. The bad news, for you who run a low carbohydrate diet, this diet is not healthy for your mouth, so that all who do such as brushing teeth, cleaning the teeth, and brushing the tongue may not be enough to overcome this.

2. Often fell while sports
When people who are physically active are not getting enough carbohydrates, the body will use protein for muscle function is needed, including muscle building, this is why carbohydrates are often referred to as "partner protein". Replenish the body after exercise with carbohydrate condition that has been burned, will accelerate recovery and your body will feel better welcome routines to be done tomorrow.

3. So forgetful
Often suddenly forgot to put keys or a cell phone? Just like the body, the brain needs carbohydrates, which are broken down into glucose for energy. And when the brain does not get the glucose it needs, it is difficult for the brain to work with the maximum. A small study in 2008 found that women who undergo low carbohydrate diiet poor scores while undergoing a series of tests of memory than women who underwent low-calorie diet and balanced nutrition. Then, when women with low carbohydrate eating carbo back again? Their brains returned to normal function.

4. Easy to anger
People who follow a low carbohydrate diet consistently reported feeling more sensitive, stress, and fatigue, though the results they managed to lose weight. One reason may be because carbohydrates are essential for the body to produce serotonin, a hormone in the brain that is responsible for increasing the spirit.

But, according to a 2009 study, low-carbohydrate diet compared to the low-fat diet are also less pleasant. The study followed the 106 people with obesity and excess weight fallow low-carbohydrate diet or a low-fat diet for a year. While those of the second group who underwent weight loss diet, low carbohydrate diet they were reported to have bad mood swings from time to time, while the mood of the people who undergo low-fat diet is better, as reported in Health.

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